Read and download Carthago Adventures (2017) Comics book pdf online
Humanoids released the comic Carthago Adventures in 2017, a spin-off series based on their popular Carthago series. Written by Christophe Bec and illustrated by Steve Baker, the comic follows a London Donovan and his boss, known as "the Centenarian of the Carpathians," are the main characters in a new comic spin-off from the popular Carthago series. The spin-off is a completed work comprised of five volumes, each with a different story that is interconnected with the others. In these stories, Donovan and his billionaire boss, Feiersinger, travel the world to battle various dangerous creatures, including Bigfoot in California, deadly dinosaurs in Africa, Arctic sea creatures, and giant Canadian wolves. Whether motivated by a desire for adventure, scientific curiosity, or sheer obsession, these two characters relentlessly pursue these creatures, which are both mythical and deadly.