Data age: 2007

Country: USA

Rating: 3.9

Stranger Comics was formed in the winter of 2007. Them first official comic convention as a publisher was in 2009 at San Diego Comic Con, sharing a booth with nine other indie publishers, where they were armed with issue #1 of The Untamed. Since then they have grown, traveling to many of the preeminent conventions and festivals where fans become friends become family. That is what they love about them community.

Before Stranger Comics was conceived, They had shopped them fantasy comic ideas to several publishers. Some were cool. Some were not. Some thought he was crazy – which was true – about Niobe. he love her. And he was not about to let someone adopt her for a “flavor of the month” headline. He was not about to let else someone write his story – her story.

Them projects range from fantasy worlds to raucous comedies to children’s books with important life lessons. They are not here for a hashtag or current trend. They produce them properties with genuine thought and care for story and representation. A good “idea” must be nurtured, it deserves them time and attention, so once released it can stand on its own two legs (or four) and evolve. Them goal is for them readers to feel an honest emotional connection because each story has a soul.

Niobe: She is Death (2020)

Darrell May, Sheldon Mitchell,